Tuesday, September 25, 2012

TRY this!! Just like StarFall!!

This site is a MUST see!!

Promethean Training w/Julie Gesin

GREAT Read Aloud Websites ~

Celebrities reading stories:

EVEN more celebrity reading:

TONS of Non-fiction stories:

Find Julie Gesin's Technology or Literacy

Harry Kindergarten:

Find on YouTube ~ 
Dynamite Just Dance
Whip My Hair
Read It Maybe
Just Dance Kids 2
Electric Company - Phonetic clips ai/ay, etc.
Schoolhouse Rock
Hooked on Phonics
In Between the Lions

Thursday, June 7, 2012

White Board Teacher Created Ideas

White Board Ideas


Go to Reading Poster

June 7th

Today was another SUPER day! I can't wait to use some of these new technology tools I've learned from this class in this coming school year!! But until then....I will sip my lemonade (or some yummy drink of my choice), read my good book til all hours of the night, go fishing & paddleboating with my boys, clean & organize my house wait, wait, wait...I meant go for long walks, cook new recipes on the grill, go on vacation and create fun craft things...yep that's EXACTLY how my summer is going to be! Ahhhhhhhh~  now THAT'S more like it!! Peace. Xoxoxox

WOW ~ This is INCREDIBLE!! Take 11 minutes and watch this!!! We watched it today in my summer class ~ we were all GLUED to the screen! Is Good nutrition related to anything?!...Hmmmm.....Just watch this and ponder!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My 5+ websites I will use this year!!

These are the websites I will definitely use this year:

Pumpkin Life Cycle

How to Use Glogster!! SO Cool!

Another Fact Family Daily Lesson

Flipping Classroom Next Day Class Work on dry erase boards

Flipping Classroom Math Homework

Flipped Classroom Philosophy

Why To Flip your Classroom!

June 6, 2012

Today was another "WOW of a Day!!" We learned about "Flipping the Classroom". I embedded a video from a teacher explaining why you'd want to do this ~ and AGAIN ~ it was another WOW!!! For more information - go to: fi.ncsu.edu/project/fizz and look at this Fb site too: Dr. Lodge McCammon's FIZZ. We also learned how to create free websites. But I feel a cloud-based one is best like Wikki.com as I own it. There is also weebly.com and Glogster.com Then found out about a treasure of a site called http://teach.classdojo.com which is a behavior website to use on my white board all day long every day. IT ROCKS!! This will replace my card-flipping style chart on my wall next year! Class Dojo is an easy way to engage your classroom by recognizing positive behaviors as they happen. Thousands of teachers and their students are using ClassDojo to focus on the positives and make learning fun! This page shows you real-time behavior report cards. You can see point breakdowns and add comments. You can also email or print behavior reports for parents! Thousand of teachers use ClassDojo to create a positive learning environment - add your first class to join them! Thousands of teachers and their students are using ClassDojo to focus on the positives and make learning fun! It was also discussed that many Discovery Streaming educational videos can be found on YouTube. SchoolTube.com is even better as it's already filtered for school use. And TeacherTube is another good one! Today we are creating lessons on Flipped Classrooms, looking at Pinterest for our classroom usage, creating a website among MANY other things. Today is going to be ANOTHER good day! :0)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

Word Wall

Journal Writing

Voki - Welcome to 1st Grade!

Common Core Video

CCSS iSpeech

June 5th

Started today off learning the difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 and it's pretty cool and valuable to know. Web 1.0 is for referencing thing and finding resources. Web 2.0 is interactive websites by adding comments or adding text to like FaceBook and Blogging.

Another cool thing I learned is Cloud-Based webbing -this is where there is no software needed, everything is stored out on the internet.

Social Bookmarking - storing all your favorites on http://delicious.com Easy to store from your smart phone!

Live Binders - TOTALLY awesome!! TONS of websites & lessons already created and I "Binder" them or "Shelve" them in my own organized way! Today I created OOoodles of fabulous websites and lessons organized into 8-10 Binders on specific subject shelves. Incredible!! I will use this website while creating flipcharts for my Promethean board this fall!

This shows how to put the Common Core Standards into your Blog. You can click on your grade level and get links to standards for your grade! SWEET!!

Google Chrome is great too - it is Google's web browser like FireFox or Internet Explorer.

WoW~ HOLY COW!! - Go check out www.khanacademy.com - a video to teach AYTHING!!!

Also learned about Podcasts, Hikou, Freeplaymusic, Voki Lesson Plan Database!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

I read some of the articles on the LMS but found they are more directed for the secondary level vs. my first grade classroom. I will probably lean more towards Open Class since it is a Google application.

Open Class by Google. An app selection.

Here are some WAY cool Teacher Blog Sites I found:





and On & On & On!!

My 1st CC/Tech Blog

Jill's Summer Blog
This is my first blog during my 2012 summer course called Common Core & Technology!! :0)
We are learning some WAY cool technology things and then some things I should already know, but don't!! I'm feeling a little ahead of the game only because I have had a Google email and use Google Calendar for several years now! Wahooooo!! But really ~ that's nothing compared to the things I'm going to learn this week! I can't wait! I already said I hope Joe offers "Common Corem & Technology Part 2" next summer!! This course ALREADY is better than last summer's PLS course that was right up there with WATCHING PAINT DRY! "Who would like to Spirit Read next?....." LOL! We heard that SO many times last summer! Just like Joe's intro YouTube video - "Class - Anyone? Anyone?..." This is GREAT!!

Our purpose in this class:
  • To creat things to use immediately in my classroom!
  • To improve my teaching and to engage my students and to increase test scores!
  • To make teaching easier using these tools!!