Monday, June 4, 2012

My 1st CC/Tech Blog

Jill's Summer Blog
This is my first blog during my 2012 summer course called Common Core & Technology!! :0)
We are learning some WAY cool technology things and then some things I should already know, but don't!! I'm feeling a little ahead of the game only because I have had a Google email and use Google Calendar for several years now! Wahooooo!! But really ~ that's nothing compared to the things I'm going to learn this week! I can't wait! I already said I hope Joe offers "Common Corem & Technology Part 2" next summer!! This course ALREADY is better than last summer's PLS course that was right up there with WATCHING PAINT DRY! "Who would like to Spirit Read next?....." LOL! We heard that SO many times last summer! Just like Joe's intro YouTube video - "Class - Anyone? Anyone?..." This is GREAT!!

Our purpose in this class:
  • To creat things to use immediately in my classroom!
  • To improve my teaching and to engage my students and to increase test scores!
  • To make teaching easier using these tools!!


  1. Nice job, Jill! Very will be helping us all I'm afraid!

  2. Haha Stacey ~ You're too funny!! I just jumped in with BOTH feet and got them wet at the same time! I am learning new things slowly just like everybody!! LOL! And thank YOU for helping me with that whole email thingy this morning!! See ~ "It Takes a Village!"
    Take care ~ Jill
