Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 5th

Started today off learning the difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 and it's pretty cool and valuable to know. Web 1.0 is for referencing thing and finding resources. Web 2.0 is interactive websites by adding comments or adding text to like FaceBook and Blogging.

Another cool thing I learned is Cloud-Based webbing -this is where there is no software needed, everything is stored out on the internet.

Social Bookmarking - storing all your favorites on http://delicious.com Easy to store from your smart phone!

Live Binders - TOTALLY awesome!! TONS of websites & lessons already created and I "Binder" them or "Shelve" them in my own organized way! Today I created OOoodles of fabulous websites and lessons organized into 8-10 Binders on specific subject shelves. Incredible!! I will use this website while creating flipcharts for my Promethean board this fall!

This shows how to put the Common Core Standards into your Blog. You can click on your grade level and get links to standards for your grade! SWEET!!

Google Chrome is great too - it is Google's web browser like FireFox or Internet Explorer.

WoW~ HOLY COW!! - Go check out www.khanacademy.com - a video to teach AYTHING!!!

Also learned about Podcasts, Hikou, Freeplaymusic, Voki Lesson Plan Database!!

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